Receiving from God 4

Scripture Reading - Mark 10:51-52 KJV

51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

In today’s lesson we will continue to explore the subject of “Receiving from God”. “Receiving from God” is special and holy, however, it is not as hard or mysterious as some would lead us to believe. In our previous lesson we talked about receiving from God when we pray. We mentioned that it is an instantaneous transaction that occurs right when you pray. In another lesson we mentioned that a key to “receiving from God” is your belief in God’s Word. You acknowledge God’s Word as truth by simply believing in what God said, then on purpose “believing you received God’s Word (which is His Will and His Way)” into your heart. We must be sure to acknowledge that “we believe we received” God’s Word into our heart because it goes into the heart (your spirit) first, then it comes out of your mouth to affect this natural realm. Since the natural realm operates on a much slower speed we must be patience until we physically see the promise of God come to pass in the physical realm of our lives. We also spoke in one lesson about “receiving from God” through the ear-gate which basically means you have natural ears and spiritual ears that both should be selective on what they are hearing. As Christians, we are either hearing what is good and right unto the glory of God or we are hearing idle or evil things that could hurt us and others. In today’s lesson we will examine “receiving” from God’s Word in the person of Jesus. First we will start with noticing in today’s reference verse that the blind man had a certain request for God because the Lord Jesus asked, “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” This is a question not a statement because the blind man kept calling out to Jesus in a prior verse (v. 47 and 48). Jesus hearing His Name being called shows The Lord “received” the words of the blind man through the ear gate and it changed the direction (the flow) of His ministry that day. Blind Bartimaeus (v. 46) had heard through his ear-gates that Jesus was a great healer. So we can imagine that he was hoping he could one day be healed by the Lord. We all know that Jesus was like a modern day traveling minister, such that no one knew 100% where Jesus would be the next day or even the next week. So know that Bartimaeus had faith to be healed because he was openly looking for Jesus, yes, even without natural eyes and calling for Jesus to help him. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. - Refer to Romans 10:17 We (ihlcc) must bring up the fact that the Lord doesn’t assume to know that he (Bartimaeus) needs healing for his eyes. Why?, because God will not automatically give you something that you need if you were not seeking Him for it. We must be wise enough to completely understand that it is what we believe in our heart and speak with our mouths calling upon the Name of Lord Jesus that God looks to fulfill. We have heard other people say, “Why doesn’t God just heal me he knows in my heart that I want to be whole?” The answer is found in God responding to those in faith as opposed to those who might trust others for their healing outside of God’s Word. This is pretty typical for God because He (The Lord) doesn’t just save people unless they call upon His Name. Likewise, you don’t just give a loved one just anything but preferably you give them something that they have asked you for. Hence the quote, “If you give people your free advice when they didn’t ask for it and don’t want it, your free is advice is truly worth nothing.” The Lord could just do things randomly but no one can teach on or rely on random decisions because there is no structure or process with random manifestations. No, on the contrary, we love a very consistent procedural God who will always react the same without (void of) being a respecter of persons. Yes, you can come to God confidently knowing that He will do exactly what He said He will do according to His Holy Word. Now notice that Bartimaeus didn’t just ask for sight, but he specifically said, “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” There is a slight difference because if he said, “That I may see!” Where is God in the transaction? However, when you say, “Lord, that I may receive my sight” it is implied that Jesus has something you need that you are desiring to “receive” from the Healer. Yes, God has an abundance of health and healings but we too must “receive them” from His Person and in His Name. We notice the words of verse 52 which are immutable. Jesus didn’t respond by saying, “I will give you sight”. No the Good Lord Jesus said, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.” This means that the Lord put the emphasis on the faith of the person, not on the power of God. We (ihlcc) will say that again the Lord is looking at your faith because true faith will expect from God exactly what God said He would do. In other words, any good promise of God we see in the scripture as ours we should boldly proclaim that promise as ours. For what is a godly proclamation but a before (pro) claiming of what already belongs to you. Therefore, God was basically saying I am not the hold up, nor is it My Will to hinder or delay but your faith has (past tense) made thee whole. This means Bartimaeus “received” exactly what he thought God could and would do for him. We notice that Jesus said this right before the blind man’s eyes were open. Why? because God too calls those things that be not as though they were. - Refer to Romans 4:17b One reason why people experienced quicker manifestations under the ministry of Jesus is because so much power was in the spoken words of Jesus that when they received His (The Lord’s) Words directly from His High Powered Source they typically got immediate responses (positive healing reactions). Yes, even in this example Bartimaeus “immediately received” the Word’s of Jesus which translated into “receiving his healing” because the healing power of God is inside of God’s Word. Therefore, when you are in the tangible presence of God and hear the Word of God coming to you in His (The Lord’s) power and receive it openly and immediately it can cause an atmosphere for miracles. However, you don’t need to worry or doubt if you don’t get an immediate healing in the natural because you got it spiritually by faith just “believe you received” when you prayed (asked). In summary, “receiving your healing” from God must be believed as immediately (like right when you said it which is claiming it) and the full manifestation in the body shall surely come to pass. Please don’t let the enemy (Satan) trick you into thinking about a natural time frame because the truth is you already “received your healing spiritually” the moment you claimed it and that specific healing will manifest in your physical body in due season in Jesus Name for God’s Word is not a man that it (He) should lie. Bartimaeus, just like us must learn although the work was already done by Jesus Christ we still must “receive” it into our heart to enjoy the full manifestation in our spirit, soul and body. Amen!